If you have an account with us where no activity has been made in the last two years, you may receive a communication from us informing you that your uploaded photos will be removed and your account will be closed if you do not log in to your account. This is according to our terms and conditions.
To keep your photos on your account simply log in to your account with your log in details within the date stated in the email we sent to you. Your PhotoBox user name is the email we sent the communication to.
Have you forgotten your password?
If you have forgotten your password, simply click here to create a new one. Please note that it might take a few hours for this email to reach you.
Do you want to save your photos on your computer?
Your uploaded photos can be found in "My albums" after you have logged in.
You can save them back to your computer by accessing your album and selecting one of your photos. After clicking on the photo you wish to download, you will see it in a bigger version, and by clicking on it again, a new window will open with the original file. Right-click on that photo to save the file on your computer.