What happens to my past creations?
We are making upgrades to our creation experience on July 2nd 2024, this includes a technical upgrade to our editors. This technical upgrade to our editors will deliver an improved creation experience, but means you will not be able to re-print old creations after July 2nd 2024.
After July 2nd 2024, you will not be able to access any old creations or download them as pdfs. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to take advantage of running promotions and reprint old projects in advance of July 2nd 2024 and download any pdfs of past ordered creations.
Checkout this FAQ on how to download your past creations in PDF.
What happens to my existing creations?
Unfortunately, any open creations past the July 2nd 2024 will be lost. Therefore, we recommend that you finish all open creations still saved in the editor by July 1st 2024.
What happens to any unspent credits I have?
Unfortunately we will no longer offer credit in its current form. Therefore, all credit will expire on or before July 1st 2024. So we ask that you please use all credit on your account by the expiration date.
After the upgrade you’ll be able to access great value through a new and improved voucher facility.
What happens to my stored photos?
We won't delete your photos, they will be stored and accessible for you in your account. The upgrades we are making to our creation experience on July 2nd 2024, includes a technical upgrade to our editors that will impact how we retain or keep photos, but this won't impact your access to your photos.
What happens to creations I have on the mobile App?
The upgrade includes updates to our mobile app. Please finish any open creations stored on the mobile App by July 1st 2024, otherwise they will be lost. For this upgrade, we will release a new mobile app. So from July 2nd 2024, the existing app will no longer work and we will ask you to download a new mobile app to replace it.