Adding products to your basket
Once you have placed a product in your basket, you can add more products before confirming your order by clicking "Continue shopping" at the top of the page. You can then create new products, or go to "My creations" to access your saved creations.
Removing products from your basket
If you want to remove a product from your basket, or empty the basket, click "Remove" next to your items.
Edit a product already placed in your basket
You can edit your product after placing it in your basket, by clicking "Edit" next to the product. You will be directed to the creation page, where you can make any changes you want to make. When you're happy with the product, simply click "Order" (or "Save to basket" when ordering prints) again to confirm the changes and go back to the basket.
Using an offer or credit in the basket
If you have an offer code that you'd like to redeem, enter your code in the field at the bottom of the basket and click "Enter". The discount will now be deducted, and you will see that the "Total" has changed.
If you have a credit, the basket will give you the option to use it on your products. To do so, simply tick the box next to the credit title underneath the product..