Order and Pay
- chevron_right Change or cancel your order
- chevron_right I ordered a number of prints but my order confirmation email only shows one. Why is that?
- chevron_right We're sorry to hear that you were unable to place your order or that the payment did not process properly. If your card payment was not accepted, we recommend that you double check your card details and try again, or contact your bank who will be able to
- chevron_right What is a credit, and how can I buy it?
- chevron_right How can I make changes to my order in the basket?
- chevron_right Why does my product have a different crop when I place it in the basket?
- chevron_right How can I redeem the options included in my credit?
- chevron_right Can I change my delivery address, or send the items to someone else?
- chevron_right Can I get an invoice for my order?
- chevron_right Can I cancel or amend my product credit order?